Experts in Concussion Care
Comprehensive Concussion Management Services
Active Solutions Health + Sport provides thorough concussion management services that prioritize the health and safety of our athletes and patients.
A concussion is a type of brain injury that occurs due to rapid movement of the brain following a significant impact to the head or body.
This impact disrupts brain function, leading to a variety of symptoms.
Symptoms of a concussion include headaches, dizziness, nausea, trouble focusing, emotional changes, fogginess, irritability, pressure in the head, and more.
Our concussion management services include initial baseline testing, concussion rehabilitation, and safe return to activities.
Your concussion specialist will collaborate closely with your primary care physicians to ensure optimal care.
If you suspect a concussion, prompt and professional care is critical. Reach out to our concussion specialists today.
Meet Your Practitioners
Concussion Management is part of the Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Care discliplines, offered by the following practitioners.
Concusion Management Services
Our comprehensive concussion management services start with proactive baseline testing and continue to helping clients safely return to their normal routines.
Baseline Testing
Concussion management starts before a concussion. Baseline testing sets a foundation, providing a snapshot of healthy brain function. Often performed for athletes, baseline tests serve as a valuable reference point for healthcare providers, aiding in the assessment and management of concussions. Although not mandatory, baseline tests provide important information that help guide decisions in the event of a future concussion.
Concussion Management Treatment
Following a concussion, education and management is crucial to allow the brain to heal properly. Our team includes practitioners specifically trained in concussion management who guide athletes and patients back to mental and physical activity in a safe, effective manner. For persistent symptoms, we offer further treatment options such as vestibular therapy, exercise therapy, visual retraining, manual therapy, dietary adjustments, and specialized rehabilitation techniques.
Safe Return to Learn, Work, and Play
Our approach to concussion management ensures athletes and patients have sufficient recovery time before returning to cognitive and physical activities. Our step-by-step process is evidence-based and backed by the most recent Concussion Consensus Statement. This approach prioritizes safety and supports a phased return to normal routines.
Get Back in the Game Safely
Whether it's returning to sport, work, or everyday activities, our concussion management experts are here to support your journey back to full health
What to Watch For (and Do) if You Suspect a Concussion
Causes of Concussion
Many concussions are caused by a direct impact to the head. However, concussions can also be caused without contact to the head. In these instances, the contact could be to the chest and body, causing the neck and head to accelerate and decelerate quickly.
Concussion Signs and Symptoms
Every concussion presents differently, depending on how the brain has been affected by the impact. Classic concussion signs and symptoms present as headaches, dizziness, nausea, seeing stars, balance issues, confusion, or just feeling off. We also look for fatigue, difficulty remembering or concentrating, sensitivity to noise or light, irritability, sadness, blurred vision, and anxiousness.
Importance of Prompt Evaluation
When it comes to concussions, one of the biggest predictors of long-term recovery success or failure is whether or not the patient received prompt, informed education and treatment following a concussion. Remember, the best practice for a concussion includes recognition, removal from play (or the workplace), followed by prompt evaluation and treatment.
Concussion Recovery & Prevention
Recovery Expectations
Fortunately, with proper treatment the majority of concussions recovery fully. Some concussions recover fairly quickly, allowing athletes and patients to safely return to work or play within 10-14 days. In other instances the return to sport and/or work can take anywhere between 3-6 weeks. Keep in mind that these estimates assume the patient has proper treatment, and successfully completes all the stages in the return to sport/work protocol.
Prevention Strategies
We are often asked by patients and sport associations how they can prevent concussions in the future. This is a complex answer, and depends on their chosen sport and their level of play. However, recent research proves that the cornerstones to concussion prevention are: good policy (disallowing/reducing body contact); personal protective gear (including mouth guard in hockey); proper training (neuromuscular warm-ups), proper management (early detection); and modifying risk factors (tackle technique, fitness level, soccer heading technique).
Concussion Management
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the common symptoms of a concussion?
Common symptoms include headache, dizziness, nausea, confusion, sensitivity to light or noise, and difficulty concentrating.
How do you diagnose a concussion?
Concussions are typically diagnosed based on symptoms reported by the patient, physical examination. Imaging tests such as a CT scan or MRI are not required for diagnosis.
How long does it take to recover from a concussion?
Recovery time varies for each individual and depends on factors such as the severity of the concussion and the effectiveness of treatment. Most people recover within a few weeks, but some may experience symptoms for months.
What is involved in concussion management treatment?
Treatment may include education surrounding proper rest, gradual return to activity, physical therapy, cognitive rehabilitation, dietary education and lifestyle adjustments. For more persistent cases we implement vestibular therapy, exercise therapy, visual retraining, manual therapy and specialized rehabilitation techniques.
Can I return to sports or physical activity after a concussion?
Return to sports or physical activity should be guided by a healthcare professional trained in concussion management. It typically involves a gradual progression based on symptom resolution and clearance from a healthcare provider.
Are there any long-term effects of a concussion?
While most people recover fully from a concussion, some may experience persistent symptoms known as persistent concussion syndrome. Finding the root cause of the persistent symptoms is key to treating these cases.

A concussion is an injury to the brain that disrupts the normal functioning of its cells. Take a look at this brief animation that succinctly illustrates the changes occurring within the brain during a concussion.
Rest is no longer viewed as the most effective strategy for managing concussions. Studies indicate that early intervention with a range of therapies can greatly enhance recovery. By conducting comprehensive assessments and implementing appropriate treatment plans, qualified healthcare professionals can assist athletes in safely returning to learning, work, and play. Treatment options may encompass whiplash therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, visual rehabilitation, dietary and nutritional guidance, exercise therapy, or education and reassurance.
Your Road to Concussion Recovery Starts Here
Start your journey to concussion recovery today, and regain your confidence in sport, life, and work.